Saturday, August 21, 2010

Don't Forget

Two easy ways to help our school:

Box Tops:

Campbell's Soup Labels:

Sign up at both websites to see our school's progress and enter our school for bonus contests throughout the year.

Thanks for your support!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Open House

Open House was a huge success!  There were lots of excited parents, kids and teachers roaming the halls tonight.

Special Thanks to:
Kirk Newland & Kraft foods for donating the hot dogs
School Board members for serving the food
PTO members who baked cookies and helped with the event
Teachers, Administration and Faculty

And a very special thank you to Jeff, our grill master, for grilling all 480 hotdogs!

Up next:

Grandparent's Day!  September 10, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



Welcome to the Schuyler R-I PTO blog!
This site will feature news from the PTO, fun stuff for students, useful resources for parents, and other items of interest. Student, parent, and teacher submissions for the blog are both welcome and encouraged (include your name so we can credit you)!
 Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Happy reading!